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Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET

Published on February 10, 2013

When ever I create any new ASP.NET Empty Application, first I setup things like arranging folder structure,Creating Database,Finding connection sting for setting up web.conf,So on. Most of the times I forgot the connection string syntax.(I mean Initial Catalog,Integrated Security,so on). Of-course we can copy it form web. But it is always better to have an idea how to create it. For example What if we don’t have internet connection. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET

In this post I will show you how to create Connection string for our application using very simple  methods. Note: You don’t Need any new tools for this. How to add Connection String First of all lets see how to add connection string to our application. If you just create new Empty application your Solution explorer will look like below. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET Now open web.cofig. It will contain xml as below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />

To add connection string create a new open/close connection strings tags . In between that connection strings tag add following code

<add name="ConnectionName" providerName="providername" connectionString="You-connection-string" />

Finally your web.config look like

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add name="ConnectionName" providerName="providername" connectionString="You-connection-string"/>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />

In general most of the time providerName=“System.Data.SqlClient” and name="" is connection name we are going to use in your application. We can choose what ever we like. Now, In the reaming post I will explain how to generate connectionString. Method 1: This method is very simple and generic one. 1)create new genCon.txt file on your desktop and rename it as genCon.udl(you can choose what ever name you like but extension should be .udl) 2)Now double click on genCon.udl you should get as below. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET By default it selected “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server”. 3)Now click on Connection Tab. You will get Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET Enter your Sql server name and select database. 4)Click Ok! 5)Now open genCon.udl in a text file. Viola! here is your connection string. Method 2: In this method we will create or find connection string using visual studio. 1)Open database explorer(crtl+alt+s). Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET 2)Click on connect to database icon. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET 3)Enter server details. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET 4)Now right click on you database in database explorer and select properties. 5)There you can find connectionString under connection section. Different Ways To Find Connection String for ASP.NET