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Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET

Published on January 1, 2013

Twitter Join the Conversation box is one of the popular widget. In this article I will show you  how to add twitter Join the conversation box in application. For demonistraion I am using Web Pages(Razor v2). You need to have Visual studio Express for web 2012 or webmartix 3. I recommend to use Visual studio Express for web 2012. You can download it for free of cost from // Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET I assuming you installed Visual studio Express for web 2012. Now follow the following steps. 1)Open your VS Express For Web(go all programs search for vs express for web). 2)Create a New Web Site Under File Menu(This will automatically add all required .js ,.css and some web pages(.cshtml)). Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 3)Add New Content Page(Razor v2) to website and name it as twitterbox.cshtml. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 4)Right Click on your website and select Manage Nuget Packages. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 3)Search for Twitter.helper in search box and install Twitter.helper packages. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 4)Now go back to your twitterbox.cshtml and replace the code as below.

Page.Title = "Twitter Box";
Layout = "~/_SiteLayout.cshtml";


You can change aravindbuddha with any twitter user name. 5)Now right click on twitterbox.cshtml and select view in browser you will get output below. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 6)we can customize the look of the twitter box by passing some parameters to _@TwitterGoodies.Search(“aravindbuddha”, , ,… )_ You can see the list of available options by hovering mouse on in your Visual studio ide. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET 7)For example after changing background color of twitter box it will look like this. Adding Twitter Join the conversation Box In ASP.NET  8)You can also use named parameters. like   _@TwitterGoodies.Search(searchQuery:“aravindbuddha”,backgroundShellColor:“#333333”)_ That’s it.